Monday, September 22, 2008


DAY 3!

So it was a bit difficult to wake up this morning after a VERY long night with my suite mates. We stayed up a little bit too late (bad choice). I woke up and ate some Cocoa Pebbles in my suite lounge. Today there was this huge pep rally thing called Triton Power Hour where we got to know more about the RIMAC arena and they gave away a wetsuit and a surfboard. There were 2 alumni speakers who were successful in their fields and they gave us more advice. They said don't be nervous if the dream you leave this university isn't the dream that you started out with today. They told us to persevere and give your heart into everything you do and you will be successful, no matter where you end up. It is amazing how much people accomplish here. I can't imagine being able to do the things you do, btu at the same time I realize that there are so many people who are here to help me do that. It is a bit overwhelming.

So this is one of the trees I pass everyday. I just wanted to take a picture of it because I think it looks cool.

This is the bridge leading to Ocean View Terrace (OVT)- the best dining hall in UCSD. They have smoothies and soft serve ice cream open until 1 am. so I'll probably be going over there with my suite girls to get some soft serve!!

And here is a picture of King Triton. He was outside of RIMAC after the power hour and I had to jump at the opportunity!!! I also signed up at the Triathalon table to see if I can handle it, and I grabbed a flyer for the acapella group The Beat. I'll see if it's something I'll like to do. I'm still on the fence about the acapella group.

We got our mailboxes this day... and mom and dad I got your card. I loved it. Thank you so much. It took a while for me to be able to open the mailbox- hence my face in this picture as i am surrounded by mailboxes.

Tonight there was this thing called "A Twilight Affair" and it was packed with performances of groups on campus and a hypnotist. There was this girl dance group who did a hip hop performance. Then a martial arts group did there thing. It was really cool and the hypnotist really worked. these kids were KNOCKED out!!! and at one point he said that they were in a movie theater and the air conditioner was broken, and some of the people got so hot that they took their sweaters and shirts off!! haha This guy was so funny, he kept cuddling up to the girl next to him and was really into each of the things the hypnotist asked them to do.

Finally, we had a Heroes premiere party. The tv show Heroes had its season premiere and we all got some carne asada fries (provided by our RA Edgar) and headed over to the conference room. We all got couches or sat on the floor and watched it on a huge LCD projector. It was pretty radical. Here is a picture of some RA's serving us the asada fries! Thos were so stinkin good. They came from a mex restaurant called Lolita's I think. not sure about the name though. But shortly after this, I retired to my room and went to sleep promptly at 11:30. I LOVE this place. and I LOVE you guys too!!! have an awesome day!


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