Monday, September 22, 2008

September 21 part dos.

This is the convocatino ceremony that they put on for all the freshman. It was SO hot waiting to be seated so my suite mate Giana got creative and made a hat. haha. There were a few speakers who gave us advice and inspired us to go out and change the world while we are here. I think everyone really like the speech by Steven Schick. It was a great speech. He claimed that he is very envious of us for being able to experience all we willexperience while we are here. At one point in his speech he said "Listen to this moment" an the whole place fell silent. It will probably be remembered by everyone there because awkward moments are always easiest to remember. I think that was a genius way to make the speech memorable. After the ceremony they released us to hundreds of tables and free food. After the dinner people were carrying boxes or pita wraps and chinese food. I saw some guy hauling a couple 6 packs of sodas! You find that in college, anytime there is free food offered, it is best to take as much of it along with you to your dorm as possible.
This is Charlaine and I. She's 2 rooms down from me and Liz. This was like a blooper pic... Emily didn't stick around long enough for the camera to take the picture hehe!

AND we watched the sun set during our little picnic. It got SO COLD when the sun went down, so we power walked back to our college and got ready for the night. All my suitemates went to the school-wide dance, but I stayed behind and uploadedmore pictures and made some phone calls. I still need to make so many phone calls. yikes.

Then we had a really long night last night sitting in the lounge and talking. It was so much fun though!! I love my suite mates. This year is going to be so incredible!! I'll be back tonight to update y'all. LOVE YOU!!

Do something everyday that scares you.

-Eleanor Roosevelt.

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