Tuesday, September 23, 2008

glow sticks. but it was NOT a rave.

why hello!

It's Tuesday now! Well, actually Tuesday is almost over, but anyways...
Today I had to go to the new student Biology Orientation. Once there, I received a handbook and found out about all the different resources the biology department has to offer. There are a plethora of research opportunities, and even places where you can publish your own research. I'm finding that this university is HEAVILY centered around research. And it dawned on me that I have no idea what research really is!! So I stayed after the orientation to ask a few questions. I have a little bit of a better understanding, but the whole idea of doing ground-breaking research in a real field is mind-boggling right now. I can't believe we're going to be learning things that we will actually need to use now! It's weird to go to a class to actually absorb material instead of just going to get a good grade. I've been thinking about that a lot today. Classes start in 2 days. Its insane. I have no idea what to expect, but I will find out soon! One of the advisors today told us that its very scary to think about succeeding, but once you have enough victories under your belt, success doesn't seem so intimidating anymore. I think I really needed to hear that.

There was also a BBQ in Revelle Plaza, but the line was 50 miles long, and I heard that they ran out of patties, so they started giving just the buns away. HAHA! I ate a PB&J sandwich instead. Which was delicious and held me over until dinner.

After all that excitement, it was time to prepare for the career fair!! I got there a little early and talked to some ladies about a tutoring opportunity that would accept my work study! $12 and hour, but limited hours because of my schedule. Another job I was interested in was a clercal job at the aquarium so I need to email her my resume. I would love to work at either location, but they both have their pros and cons.

After the career fair, I had a little time to check out the RIMAC gym. I still don't know what RIMAC stands for, but the gym is HUMONGOUS and a little intimidating if you ask me!! There are weight rooms, dance rooms, ping pong rooms, anything you can think of... its there!! I cycled for 5 miles and then jogged back to my dorm to get ready for the walk to the cliffs. I thought it would be the perfect kodak moment when we were waiting to leave.

Now, on the way to the cliffs, we kept hearing this rumor that the trip was a senior prank because the cliffs overlook Black's Beach (a nude beach), but we saw no naked people while we were there... just a beautiful sunset and Ron Berkle's mansion on the cliff. They say this is the place to go when you need to clear your head. (the cliffs, not the mansion)

So we took all our pictures and whatnot and then had to rush back because they were trying to close the gates. This is such a beautiful place. Can't wait to come back. After this adventure there was an event called Revelle Royale which was pumped up to be this huge event like a carnival/fair almost, but we only stayed for a little while. They DID have glow sticks though, which was pretty cool. A bunch of us watched House Md. And then I came back to my dorm, made some tea and ramen, read a little, and met some more new people. Tomorrow is Charlaine's birthday so I made her a sign and hung it up in the suite lounge outside my dorm. Hope it doesn't fall. I'm off to sleep. have an awesome day.

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