Saturday, September 27, 2008


OH DEAR I am so behind on this!!!

Today was my first day of chemistry, linguistics, and math. The chemistry class seems really nice because it's an intro to chem, which is good because I didn't take chemistry in high school. I felt kind of stupid at first for taking the class but I feel a lot better about it now. The class is right next to our dorm building, so all I have to do is roll out of bed and walk over there :) . My next class (back to back) is LIGN 7, which is a class discussing the culture and history of sign language. It seems SO interesting. We're learning how a society creates a language, and exploring how language was created. It seems really cool. I kind of want to learn how to do sign language now. I'm really slacking with the pictures these last couple of days because I've been overwhelmed!! Then I had math, which was pretty much review today of what we did in AP Calc last year. It doesn't seem like it's going to be too hard. So overall, I believe my workload this quarter will be possible to maintain. During the day I took a loooong nap, which was much needed. We ate dinner somewhere in that time too- I just don't really remember the order of things lol. After all this we went to get soft serve ice cream at a dining hall and it was SO delicious!!! I will be going there a lot. We keep having foot races whenever we're out late at night. I don't really know why? But its fun. This time it was me char and liz i think that ran across the bridge to OVT. good times. good times. So we came back home and put on our headbands and took pictures with random people in the suites lol. That was entertaining. I think we creeped a lot of people out. Then we had a sleep overr at our lounge and everyone came to watch a movie. It was a good day.

see ya next time!

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