Saturday, September 20, 2008

Root Beer Floats

Hey Everyone!! So it was move-in day today. What a busy day. We packed up the truck this morning and headed to San Diego. On the way there we met the cutest little boy named Jayden. That was an awesome moment.

Once we got here we soon found that everyone had stolen shopping carts from Target to take stuff from car to dorm. (just kidding, the carts were rented out by the school!!) So it took us a couple hours and a lot of journeys up the stairs to get my room into the building, but we finally finshed about 4 hours later. Now my room looks so pretty! Thank you Mom and Katie for doing this for me. I miss you guys. And Tommy and Dad and Sadie too. Then we went to Burger King... which was an adventure all by itself!! The yellow hallway is AMAZING :)

After Katie and my Mom left I hung out with the girls from my suite. We are the COOLEST! :) I think we're going to have a lot of fun this year. I do need to decorate my walls a bit more. I think i'll put pictures up tomorrow. It took FOREVER to find out how to work the internet here. So it's finally up and running!! We had some tea (thanks mom) and talked about RANDOM stuff..

My friend Lily from orientation came over and we saw each others dorms which was really cool. Everyone here is super friendly and wants to meet new people. I can't remember half of the names that i heard tonight. :p then it was time for the root beer float social. The girls from my suite got the floats and talked with so many people. our circle kept getting bigger and bigger. I only met one person from the 909 area code. Most people are from the bay area. Everytime someone asks me where I'm from I know that their reaction is going to be " rancho cuca-what?! is that really a city? hahahhaaaa" :) I'm used to it now. I think Rancho Cucamonga is an awesome name!!

This week is filled with fun activities, and most of them include FREE FOOD!! So I'm really excited!! I miss you all! Wish somehow you could be experiencing this with me in real life!! Have a great day!! Love you


1 comment:

Mom said... was quite an adventure getting everything up to your room, but well worth the effort. I'll never forget all the people pushing those crazy red Target carts loaded beyond their edges. Nor will I forget all the excitement in the air with all the families readying their college bound children for their next adventure in life. It was a great day! I love you!