Monday, September 22, 2008

Sep. 21 part one.

ALRIGHT Day 2 on campus and I'm already behind on the blogging activity. Yesterday was a blur. I woke up hungry!! But the plaza cafe was closed due to new employee training so the trek for breakfast began. I had to follow the yellow hallway through Price Center which reminds me of being in the star tours at disneyland. I bought some bread and milk for sandwiches and cereal. I'm trying to stay away from the cafeteria by our dorms. But today I'm eating lunch at Oceanview Terrace at Eleanor Roosevelt College to check it out. I've heard really great things about that dining hall.

The next picture is part of the Stuart Art Collection on campus. It's called the "velvet v's" or something. I guess the artist who made them had a dream one night that the giraffes from the San Diego Zoo had escaped and ate all the Eucalyptus Trees at UCSD. So these blue fences are to keep all of the hungry rabid girrafes out of our Eucalyptus Forests.

Here is a picture of Price Center, named after the same man who is responsible for Cosco (formerly Price Club) This is where the food court is located. Also the site of the bookstore and Ballroom. This is like the downtown mall of our UCSD city. I swear we have so many people living here!! It is incredible.

Here is a picture of the Revelle Plaza from a walkway coming from Price Center. This fountain isn't always turned on, but its nice to look at. It has a banner that reads " Welcome To Revelle College"

And here is our suite's lounge where all the hanging outage takes place. It is a bit bland, SO we are in the process of decoration. It is going to be the coolest suite in this place!! :)

So after my journey to Price Center and the Sunshine Market, I came back to my room and made a chicken salad sandwich. Which made me think about all the times I ate those kinds of sanwiches with my friend Valerie. I had to wash my dishes in the common lounge area which has a full blown kitchen in it, by the way, and when I came back to my room I had a horrible time trying to open the door. Our lock is really really damaged. We had the RA take a look at it and he said in a sense "Ok, yeah, that's not normal." So we have to get maintenance to come fix the lock. So I spent about 10 minutes trying to unlock my dorm door! haha! And we had a floor meeting in front of CLICS which is the computer library. We all had to say our name and say one thing we expect from college, or what do you fear about college, or what do you want to accomplish or change about your life while you're in college. They gave us free ice cream and I answered that I'm scared I'm going to run out of money. But I know everything will work out in the end. After this meeting we had anther meeting for our whole Revelle college. They introduced us again to all the deans and psychologists and student leaders and there were skits and they had coreographed dances and whatnot. We had a lot of fun taking pictures while we were there. Finally they gave us lapel pins for Revelle College and we had to repeat this pledge that says "With Truth and Vision, one will have Purpose. With Purpose and Vision, one will find the Truth. With Purpose and Truth, one can guide Vision. With Purpose, Truth and Vision, one takes a step toward understanding oneself."

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