Thursday, September 25, 2008

SOOOOOOOOOO today was my first day of school and it reminded me of when my mom used to take pictures of me and my siblings on our first days of school in elementary school. So Liz took this picture. I had a seminar first which was surprisingly enjoyable. It was the evolution, creation, intelligent design seminar and I don't think I have any debates to fear for this course. After the seminar I had a couple hours of free time and then I had to go to my Human Development class where we found out how the quarter would be. Basically we have guest speakers coming in every class to tell us of the very different aspects of Human Development.

After my classes I basically stayed at Argo the rest of the day except for dinner when we got food at Sierra Summit. I saw my friend Hana Lee from rchs and we got to talk about how everything is going. Yeah, I miss Mrs. Nguyen's class. :( BUT! I must go off to sleep now. Love You!

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