Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Laundry Day AND Unolympics?! WOW!!

I'm still trying to understand the layout issues of this website. So the pictures with the text usually is random. Sorry!! I'll get it down one day. But today was a lovely day. It started with a trip to the laundry room where Liz and I did our laundry. 75 cents for a wash and 50 cents for the dryer. We took this picture as a Tide commercial. (kidding) Hopefully we'll get some endorsements in order to pay for college. But there are a LOT of things to do while waiting for laundry to be done. Reading is one of those activities... and the other activities... well, I guess we'll get into that the next time we do laundry. So every year at UCSD there is an event called Unolympics where each of the 6 colleges compete through games, relays, cheers, and performance in order to win the coveted golden shoe trophy. Revelle college made a valiant effort, but unfortunately, we lost to Eleanor Rooseelt College. But I got some pretty sweet photos in while we were practicing the dance for the performance aspect. The theme was kind of a Mystery/Spy theme because someone had stolen the golden shoe. We had to dance to theme songs from Scooby Doo, Pink Panther, Austin Powers, and Inspector Gadget. Too bad we didn't take the gold. This is Roger Revelle, the man who started UCSD and the man after whom my college is named. Here is a little history on him: (wikipedia) Roger Randall Dougan Revelle (March 7, 1909July 15, 1991) was a scientist and scholar who was instrumental in the formative years of the University of California, San Diego and was one of the first scientists to study global warming and the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. The six-foot-four (193 cm) Revelle was often referred to as a "scientific giant," both literally and figuratively.[citation needed] UC San Diego's first college is named Revelle College in his honor.

So at the Unolympics, they needed someone to be in the relay team. So I volunteered and was part of a 20 person group who competed in this huge relay. My teammate and I had to do a three legged race, blindfolded wheel barrow, and finally a tire obstacle course. It was extremely challenging and HOT. So after all this activity I was super sweaty and needed to clean up before doing any other activity. I was getting ready to eat lunch with my friends when I remembered that I was supposed to call the tutoring place to set up a second interview!!! So I ran back to my dorm (ok, I walked really fast) and called her and got an appointment for next Thursday at 3. I really hope I get this job!! After this, I decided to hang out with my buddies upstairs because Liz was up there. While we were there we baked a cake for my suite-mate Charlaine for her birthday. I got really hungry and decided to go to Panda Express for some chow mein and broccoli beef at Price Center and saw some amazing sights on the way. This soccer field had the sprinklers on, and the picture doesn't do it justice, but there was a mist coming off of the sprinklers that was beautiful in the sunset. I tried to get a good picture but failed. :( I got a picture of the fountain leading down to Price Center, and one of the Geisel Library with the Silent Tree in the foreground. That tree is made of metal and is a sculpture that has many different interpretations. So I went back to the lounge at Argo 5 and we decided to make a music video of us doing the song "In The Jungle" from The Lion King. That was incredibly entertaining. Everyone got hungry so we went down to Argo 2, presented the birthday cake, ate it, then set out for the journey to find a place to eat. The dining hall right by us closes at 8, so we had to search around campus and ended up in Sixth college at Foodworks (after being led down a monstrous canyon by Patrick haha) On the way back from Foodworks we had a couple foot races just because we had like a second wind of energy that came from no where!! So we were all just racing, and finally we got back to our dorms and I said good night to my group because they went to the last dance of welcome week (I think it's the last dance?) But I have classes tomorrow morning starting at 8 so I need to get some rest. It was an excellent day today. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better! Bye guys!

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